Small Groups

We have a small group for YOU!

Small Groups

Sunday Small Groups

FUMC offers an array of Sunday school classes for every

individual. You should find the perfect fit for your spiritual needs.


This is a cry room. If your child needs to step out for a little while, you are welcome to use this room.


Children & Youth Classes:

Sunday schools and locations: 10:00 am Sundays

Beginners (3 & 4 year olds) - Room 202

PreK – 1st Grade – Room 200 – Teachers – Jeff & Julie Ferguson

2nd – 4th Grade – Room 201 – Teachers – Marty Nolte

5th – 9th Grade – Northeast Fellowship Hall – Teacher – Shirley Barnett

7th - 8th Grade Confirmation - Room 204

10th - 12th Grade - Room 303 - Teacher - Crystal Dooley

Adult Classes

Men’s Class, room 300, is led by Bob CooperDiscussion is thoughtful and includes current religious and social topics intermixed with ideas generated from the scripture-related reading. 

Kaleidoscope, room 302, is led by Dave & Jan McLaughlin. They discuss the application of our faith to daily life, and are intentionally trans-generational.

GIFT: Growing In Faith Together, Chapel, led by Stephanie Shields. This group fellowships together through stories, life’s challenges and faith.

Emmaus Class, room 304, led by Deb Fannon, typically reads and discusses books on topics of life and faith.

Mid High & Senior High Youth Group

Sundays at 4:00 pm, led by Crystal Dooley



Small Groups through-out the week



Prayer Teams, 6:00 pm.   Groups meet to share joys and concerns as provided by the Church, members, community and beyond. 30 minutes of sharing, offering silent prayer and writing notes to those lifted in prayer. If you would like to join this group, please contact the church office.


Connections Women's Bible Study, at 6:30 pm in Room 205/305: For more information, please contact Teresa Jacoby at [email protected] or Wendy Miller at [email protected].


Spirit Seekers - A Reconciling Ministry, 7:00 - 8:15 pm This is a self-directed, open space to gather and create soul cards and faith journal pages.  For more information, please contact the church office 660-582-4821.



Quilters, Fellowship Hall, 1:00 - 3:30 pm. These groups come together and work on projects for the annual November UWM Church Bazaar.

Chancel Choir, Sanctuary Balcony, 6:30 - 7:15 pm, (Aug. - April), led by Vanessa Parsons. This choir records songs to be played at worship on a regular basis. All persons 8th grade through adults are welcome.

Focus Women's Bible Study, room 300, 7:00 pm led by Kathi Ridenour.

Praise Band - A Reconciling Ministry if you would like to be a part of the Praise Band, please call the church office 660-582-4821.

Cancellation Policy

Children & Youth: If there is no in-house school due to inclement weather, Wednesday/Friday activities are also cancelled. Saturday activities will be determined by noon. Notifications will be sent via Remind, Facebook and parent Email.

Adult Activities: It is up to the leader of the group whether they will meet or not. Notifications will be sent via phone, text, and email.


If you would like to be a part of any of these small groups, please feel free to just show up or you can contact the church office for more information.